Appetite Reducer (GR2)

Appetite Reducer (GR2)
Appetite Reducer tablets contain glucomannan fibre, derived from Konjac flour, which has the unique ability to expand up to 50 times its own weight in water. There are five other sources of fibre in the tablets, too.

Taking two Appetite Reducer tablets with a big glass of fresh water, just before breakfast, lunch, and dinner, allows the fibres to swell before you start eating your meal. The result… you feel nicely full, but have actually eaten less food, and therefore have taken in far fewer fattening kilojoules.

Fibre also has the effect of slowing down the rate at which carbohydrates are digested, so your blood sugar doesn’t spike, and your body is allowed to burn the sugar for fuel, instead of placing it in storage.


Nigeria - N4,150.00

South Africa - RN 232


US - $ N/A

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